Hurricane Prep


Over the last few weeks, the Southeastern states of Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas were preparing for a hurricane.  However, before Hurricane Dorian made its arrival to us, it was making its way through the Caribbean Islands and the Bahamas.  In all honesty, if I had to choose a natural disaster to go through, first it would be blizzard and then it would be a hurricane.  Here are the reasons why:

Hurricane Dorian on Radar
  1.  The National Hurricane Center can see the storms weeks ahead of their arrival and have a “rough” idea of where it is going to go
  2. You have those weeks to prepare for the incoming storm

Other natural disasters, give you no warning, like tornados or earthquakes.  I am very much a planner so the fact that I have time to plan for hurricanes is my natural disaster of choice.  So today’s post is going to be all about Hurricane Storms and Hurricane Preparation and what you need to do.  When these things happen, you always want to prepare for the worst and hope for the best, never forget that. 

Full disclosure, I am not a Hurricane expert, I just listen to the experts and implement the things they say to do.  I am sharing the knowledge and adding my flare. 

The Storm Track

When these storms are coming off the coast of Africa as MOST of them do, they can gauge the probability of them forming into an actual depression or storm in 5-day increments.  For example, there is one currently that just came off of the coast and it has a 0% probability of turning into something more in 2-days, but at 5 days, it has a 60% chance.  There are many factors in predicting the path the storm will take and as we learned with Hurricane Dorian, there is a lot of variability and it can change in the blink of your eye, just like Hurricane Andrew did in Miami in the 1990s. 

The progression of the storms is this:

Hurricane Season 101:

Hurricane Season starts June 1st and ends November 30th every year.  It appears that it starts slightly earlier every year but the official dates are June 1st to November 30th, with the most active part of the season starting in August to October.  The waters are warmer and more favorable for storm development and fueling the power for these storms.  Once a storm reaches hurricane status, there are 5 categories, which is based on the windspeed of the storms.  At Category 3 strength, it is considered a Major Hurricane and can cause major destruction to an area. 

Below are the different categories:

Depending on the conditions out in the water, the storm can grow larger and stronger in a matter of hours or days.  It can also lose strength and power over the same amount of time.  So you always live the motto, hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 

The Essentials

So we discussed already, how quickly the path and strength can change and with that, we need to be prepared.  So what do you get?  Now, ideally you want to be that person where you are ready to go on Day 1 with your hurricane supplies on June 1st, when the season starts.  However, that typically never happens; people are very reactionary here and only prepare when the threat of a storm is imminent.  That doesn’t really work well, when EVERYONE else is doing the same.  So here are some tips to help you prepare for your Hurricane Season

There are some services that can be helpful in preparing for the storm.  For home essential and dry food items, Amazon Prime and Amazon Prime Pantry is amazing.  Amazon seriously has everything you need for hurricane preparation, apocalypse preparation, whatever you are preparing for, Amazon got you!

The grocery delivery companies are amazing too.  You can order straight from your phone or computer and have it delivered within a few hours.  I will tell you, that if you are the ultimate procrastinator and it is the day or two before the storm, your order may be cancelled.  For a few reasons, the store shelves are empty and there may not be anything left to fulfill your order.  It is also not fair to jeopardize their safety because you didn’t plan in time.  Don’t be upset when your order gets canceled. 

There are companies down here that will bring a fuel truck to you and refuel your car. 

If you live in a hurricane prone area and you own a home.  It is smart to invest in hurricane impact windows and or hurricane shutters.  It will give you piece of mind during the storm and it will increase your resale value. 

Other things that need to be considered when preparing for the storm:

Keep all of your important documents together and in a waterproof safe/container.  Things such as insurance paperwork for both home, car, boat, etc.  Birth Certificates, Social Security Cards, Passports and life insurance policies, just to name a few things.  It is also a good idea to scan these documents ahead of time and keep them on a stored online drive/cloud, just in case they do get ruined.  Take an inventory of the items in your home, by videos or photos.  This will assist in insurance claims when your things get damaged from the storm. 

Get cash in hand before the storm hits.  After the storm, you can’t guarantee the ATMs will be working or the banks will be open.  Cash will always be king, never forget that!

Charge those batteries you have so you can power your electronics

Bake cookies and cakes before the storm, so you can have something sweet before the power goes out! They also do not require refrigeration, so it works out well. 

Take that tablecloth, line the bathtub with it and then fill up the tub.  FYI, there is a chance that you could also lose the function of the toilet due to water main break and you will NEED that water to flush the toilet.  I also recommend filling up the washer and then stopping the water when its full. You can use this water again for the toilet or to wash dishes. 

THAT being said, do your dishes before the storm, then switch to disposable when the storm REALLY starts to roll in. 

What to Expect During the Storm:

During the storm, there are several bands of weather that roll through the area before the actual storm hits.  So it’s important to be aware that it may be pouring down rain and windy at one point then an hour later, it looks fine.  Only in a few hours, the same thing may happen, a vicious cycle.

Be prepared to have the power go out, therefore your internet will go out and you will have conserve all the energy you have in your electronic devices.  DO NOT use up your battery in your phone.  Find something else to do instead of surfing the internet or social media.  When the storm gets intense, the phone networks can sometimes be very unreliable. 

Keeping that Mind Occupied….Here are some options:

Board games, card games, Jenga.  You can clean your house! Organizing makes the soul happy.  The stress of the storm can cause anxiety, so take that stress and organize.  Not only will it take your attention away from the storm but your house will be happy afterwards.  Always remember, if it doesn’t bring you joy, get rid of it.   You can even take a nap.  Napping is legit one of my favorite pass times, so you can ensure a nap will be taken by me.  The rain and wind outside can either be really relaxing for you or it can cause you anxiety, depending on the type of person you are.  You can draw, you can read.  You can do some awesome goal setting and set an action plan in motion for your life.  If you are like me, plan your next trip! You can workout or do some yoga, the possibilities are really endless.    Get creative and stay occupied!

Things to Remember

In conclusion, it is important to be prepared when hurricane season starts.  Do not procrastinate when the storm is coming, the earlier you are prepared, the less stress you feel.  It may seem like days or even weeks will pass before the storm makes its presence known and leaves you to recover.  Things to remember:

  1. Have patience when doing your storm preparations
  2. Be kind to each other, especially to the staff that are working in the stores trying to help you
  3. Take the storm threat seriously, the storm can change paths very quickly
  4. If you know someone who is older and you know they don’t have anyone to help them, lend a hand to help them.
  5. When hurricanes hit, we are all in the same situation.  Some people are in a better situation then others.  After the storm, help each other recover.  Help those that are in a worse situation.  Donate your time, donate your man power, donate your money. 

Hurricane Dorian has destroyed the Bahamas and they need your help.  It is my Birthday Month and I am raising money for Hurricane Disaster Relief in the Bahamas.  If you can donate to Global Empowerment Mission, please do.  To date, this is the Aid they have given to the Bahamas and it continues.  Everything you give goes straight to them.  Thank you for your time and consideration.

Here is the link:

Thank you so much for your continued support on my blog, you are all so awesome and I appreciate all of you!


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